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WP2 Investments - let's meet - Szymon Górak

WP2 Investments - let's meet - Szymon Górak

In my daily work, I meet people full of passion, commitment, with great experience. I try to treat each such meeting as a source of inspiration and valuable knowledge - says Szymon Górak, another person from our fund - the hero of our "Let's get to know each other" series. Szymon is responsible for the area of fundraising and process management. 

What is the biggest advantage of working in a fund? 

Always, at every stage of my professional career, I have valued contact with people the most. Now, in my daily work, I meet people full of passion, commitment, with extensive experience - both on the side of portfolio companies, potential investments and other funds with which we work as WP Square. I try to treat each such meeting as a source of inspiration and valuable knowledge. 

In what professional areas does working at WP Kwadrat develop you? What competencies do you develop thanks to it? 

Everyday life at WP Kwadrat is a dynamic that I have not had to deal with before:) The variety of tasks and projects that I carry out gives me the opportunity to meet amazing people and network on a large scale. On the other hand, every day is new knowledge and new adventures. There is no time for boredom:) Working in the fund also requires extraordinary flexibility. As many companies in our portfolio, the challenges they face are so different, how many projects we implement, how many decisions and areas that need to be developed. This makes every day exciting. 

How can companies benefit from your competences? 

I encourage you to contact me with any business problem - if I can't, we will certainly find someone who will help solve this problem. And from the business areas that I deal with directly - fundraising and everything related to it, starting from helping with pitch decks, organizing dry runs, to talking to funds - these are things that I take care of right away. 

What interesting things do you do outside of work? 

There are two areas that I'm very interested in - aviation, and everything related to space. Any trip to the city with an airport usually ends with a visit to a spotter stand (if there is one), or just under the fence, waiting for some interesting planes). In addition, I am currently learning to "navigate" in the starry sky and find various objects. In the near future, we plan to purchase a telescope to observe planes at cruising altitudes and what is above them:). Recently, I've also been trying to show interesting things to a little person who has come into my life, and who is very curious about the world:) 

Szymon Górak - from the beginning of his career associated with banking, with a short adventure in the aviation industry. He built his experience in the structures of the Santander Group in Poland and Credit Suisse. He was involved in marketing, HR and project management. Currently, he helps portfolio companies in selected areas and is responsible for fundraising. 

If you have an interesting business idea
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