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New challenges in Sportigio!

New challenges in Sportigio!

The beginning of the year at Sportigio, one of our portfolio companies, brought a big project. Joint initiative with Immergas and PGE Projekt Warszawa!

All this to carry out an effective sponsorship activation during the hit Plus League match in the emotional stands of Torwar, in the presence of 5,000 fans. And off the pitch, spectacular action with record results!

Thanks to our FanApp application (an application that increases fan engagement and extends the match day), we engaged fans in a competition in which they could win a T-shirt with the team's signatures - says Mariusz Zwierzychowski - co-founder of Sportigio. - Fans predicted the results of the match and took part in a quiz, where two questions were about Immergas. The effects exceeded our expectations and look like this:

  • Over 1,700 quiz completions – an absolute record and specific data!
  • The number of FanApp users increased by 35% (an indisputable benefit for both the club and the sponsor).
  • As many as 70% of participants gave marketing consent – specific data and commitment that sponsors care about.

Immergas achieved its goal – not only to increase awareness among fans, but also to build a bond with the most engaged community of fans.

Want to find out how FanApp can help your club and sponsors? Check out the details on the Sportigio website. The company creates tools that engage fans and bring real results!

Sportigio is a Polish technology start-up founded by brothers Marcin and Mariusz Zwierzychowski. They have turned their passion for sport and new technologies into a platform dedicated to organizations from the world of sport.

Throughout their lives they were involved in sports, active hockey players, and later referees. Previously, they created sports thematic portals (speedway, ice hockey). Mariusz worked for over a year as a project manager at the fintech Verestro (formerly uPaid), Marcin was an analyst at PZU. Both participated,, in the Erasmus for young Entrepreneurs international exchange program at the beginning of their business path.

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